Sunday, October 7, 2012

Weight Watchers, Week 1 recap

So this week was easy.  Really.  I've been on the program before, so nothing was shocking about it.  eTools make things a breeze when tracking.

I weigh in on Sunday afternoons.  Last week after my meeting, I went grocery shopping.  I made sure to get stuff for Pumpkin Spice muffins and Garden Veggie soup.  The muffins are 2 points, the soup is 0.  The soup is good and freaking 0 points. Sweet!!

Each night before bed, I cut up an apple and put it in a gallon of water with a cinnamon stick.  This made for delicious flavored water, which helped me with my soda-strike. I usually had a coffee from Biggby or made a chai latte at home and then water was my drink for the rest of the day.  

Dinners were clean and easy.  I'm trying this whole clean eating thing because it freaks me out that I can't say the names of some of the ingredients on the box of hamburger helper. Scary.

Tracking is the absolute best way to not shove crap in my face.  I write everything down before I put it in my mouth.  Tracking really makes me think about if something is worth eating or not.

In my first week, I lost a ridiculous 5.4lbs!! I know this is not normal and that it is not healthy to lose that fast.  However, I drastically changed some major habits.  I know that the weight loss will slow down.

My plan for week 2? I should probably get moving. We had Art Prize in town the past two weeks, so we walked around downtown for that a few times.  I have a gym membership, I need to use it. I'll also keep tracking and drinking a crap ton of water.

I'll let ya know.  Obviously you care otherwise you wouldn't be reading this, right? 

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