Monday, January 28, 2013

A Few Things You Should NEVER Say To Or Ask A Pregnant Woman.

Sometimes you may feel like you know a pregnant women well enough to ask personal questions.  Ask these questions at your own risk. Your sweet pregnant friend/family member may answer your question, but she's probably swearing at you and telling her friends what you said long  after you asked. 

I haven't faced most of these gems in this pregnancy (yet), but here is a small list of questions/comments that have been said to myself and friends of mine in pregnancies past...

Were you trying to get pregnant?   
 Does it matter to you? Unless you were in the business of making this child, It's none of your business, no matter who you are. This is an offensive question and it's RUDE.

How many are in there?  
Go ahead, just call her fat.

Oh you look so great, you haven't gained a pound!  
We're pregnant, not stupid. Don't lie to our faces.  Better yet, NEVER comment on a pregnant woman's weight, whether you think it's a compliment or not.  It will not be a compliment to her.

You can't really feel sick all  the time.   
Want to bet? Watch out or I'll barf on the least dry heave in your direction to freak you out.

Are you sure you want to eat that?  
Are you sure you wanted to say that?  Back away slowly.

Oh my gosh, when I was pregnant (insert war story here).... 
Keep it to yourself.  Pregnant women have enough to worry about, keep your crazy stories to yourself unless they're asked for.  Oh, and we don't care that you only "gained 20lbs" and we also don't believe you.

You're never going to sleep a full night again!
Do you really think I haven't though of that already? Really.  I mean I'm not even half way done with this pregnancy and I get up to pee 2-3 times a night.  Add in the 1 year old needing things randomly in the middle of the night.  Somethings are worth it, kids are one of them. Moms are well aware of sleep or lack there of.

I can tell by the way your carrying/hair looks/zits/ass size
 that you're going to have a ____.
Baby.  I'm going to have a baby.  You're right! My belly is growing, I have good and bad hair days, just like before I was pregnant, i have zits (seriously...try these hormones for an hour) and did you just seriously say something about my ass?!  The way you're looking at me and analyzing everything about how I look is creepy.  I'll let you know the sex of my baby when we find out...if I want to.

Your son has so much energy, how will you handle another?
 I don't know yet, but I'll figure it out...thanks for your concern? I mean really, what did you think asking this question was going to accomplish? 

I have just got to touch that belly!
 No you don't, really.  If you rub mine, I WILL rub yours.  How would you like it?

Get an epidural/don't get an epidural! 
I'm sorry, is this your body that's going to push this watermelon out? This is a personal choice, if she wants your opinion, she'll ask for it.  Which leads me to...

Keep your unsolicited advice to yourself. 
This goes for during pregnancy and after the kid is born.  When a woman wants your advice, she'll ask for it.  Otherwise, you're just being frustrating.

Do you have anything to add to the list??

So, I'm pregnant!

I realize i haven't blogged in a while. My bad. Life gets so busy that sitting down for a few minutes every day to type something out just doesn't happen.

Lately, I've been busy growing a human, so sue me.  Okay, okay.  it's only been the past 9 weeks, but still.

I'm sick, though not horribly.  I'm bloated, horribly. I'm so stinking tired.  But above all else, I...WE are blessed.  We are so, SO excited.