Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sneaky Companies.

I should start this post out by saying that I'm only a half-freak when it comes to chemicals.  For some reason I hate fabric softener (seriously, it's not good for you), but I can eat McDonald's (seriously, that's really not good for you either).  I have started paying closer attention to what is in everything we bring into the house.  My husband thinks I'm crazy, but I think a bit of him knows that this is a good thing.  Anyways...

I'm not a fan of buying something that I think is not toxic for my kid and then finding out that it has horrible chemicals in it. Part of this is my fault for not doing better research before buying things.  I trust the labels that I'm reading.  Well, I used to. 

I bought some BabyGantics brand shampoo, sunscreen, hand sanitizer, counter top cleaner, etc.  Look at that website, it's green (to make it look natural? The home page says this when you first go there, "You don't want to build a bubble around your baby...but is a safe, healthy environment too much to ask for? Hint: we don't think so". 

Then I read this article by the Environmental Working Group. It's from 2012, I had plenty of time to get myself informed. Why didn't I? I don't know. Yes, it is for the cleaning products, but what is in the rest of my products from that company that they aren't telling us about?

Click on consumer guides at the top of the web page. You can type in any product you're wondering about and it will tell you the grade the product was given and then tell you why.  There are ton's of categories: baby-safe bottles and formula, sunscreen guide 2013, good food on a tight budget, back to school, EWG's guide to BPA, healthy home tips, guide to produce pesticides, and the EWG's guide to healthy cleaning are just a few.    Better to know than to not know, right? right.

I have found out that my beloved Borax, which is in my home made laundry detergent and my cloth diaper detergent is more than terrible! It got an "F"! Crap! I know lots of DIY household cleaners are made with Borax, they even just changed the box they had for years to a more "green" and natural looking box. fail.

I'm off to find some new recipes for my laundry and cloth diaper detergent. It's amazing what all of these chemicals affect in a body...amazing and terrible.

Just wanted to let you all know that there is an easy and quick way to get informed about the products you're using daily. 

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