Thursday, May 30, 2013

My All-Purpose Cleaner

When I first went crazy and threw away all of our household cleaners, my husband hated the fact that I used white vinegar for everything. 

My first all-purpose cleaner was just vinegar and water.  Simple, no junk.  Worked well, too.  I use this in my kitchen, bathroom, in the car, pretty much everywhere.

Now I use something that I am in love with!  Water, Tea Tee Oil, and Grapefruit Seed Extract.

Why Tea Tree Oil and Grape Fruit Seed Extract? Well, let me tell you.

Tea Tree Oil has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and anti-microbial properties. Tea Tree Oil is one of the strongest natural antiseptics (how awesome!). Tea Tree Oil is said to be 4-5 times stronger than household cleaners that have harsh chemicals. It's totally natural, meaning it's not bad for the environment, either. Win! 

Grapefruit Seed Extract is totally not necessary in this recipe as Tea Tree Oil does the trick.  However, I fell in love with Grapefruit seed extract with my son's cloth diapers and finding out how amazingly it kills yeast spores that even bleach doesn't touch. What an awesome, natural disinfectant! Grapefruit seed extract kills so much junk: Strep, Staph, Salmonella, E. Coli, Candida, Herpes, Influenza, parasites, and fungi. It's awesome for sterilizing things your kids put in their mouths--and you don't even have to worry about the chemicals that are left on the toys since this is not harmful!

Both Tea Tree Oil and Grapefruit Seed Extract go a long way. I get them both at my local health food store. I use a few drops here and there most every day. I am in love.  But mostly, I love them to clean cloth diapers and to clean my house!

All Purpose Cleaner
Makes about 2 cups

  • 16oz Water
  • 10-15 drops of Tea Tree Oil
  • 5-10 drops Grapefuit Seed Extract
  • Optional: Add in some essential oils that do not stain or leave marks if you do not like the smell of Tea Tree oil.  I think it's a pleasant smell and does not stink around for too terribly long. 

That's it.  You'll love it, I promise.


  1. Now that you directed me to your blog about the bug spray I'm reading ALL your posts! :-) how do you use this to clean your cloth diapers? Thanks!

  2. I don't actually use the All Purpose Cleaner on my Cloth Diapers. However, I could! What I use with my CD's is the Grapefruit Seed Extract (as many drops in the wash cycle as there are diapers) and Tea Tree Oil (10ish drops) with my home made cloth diaper detergent (also posted in the blog!) haha
