Saturday, May 25, 2013

My Super Awesome Guide to Surviving Bed Rest

When I was pregnant with our son, I was put on bed rest at 30 weeks for high blood pressure and low fluid around the baby.  A few of those weeks were spent in the hospital.  When I did get to go home, I was on what my OB called "strict bed rest".  I had to lay down pretty much 100% of the time. I could only get out of bed to pee and shower.  Going to the OB's office for my Non-Stress Test twice a week was a fantastically fun event when on strict bed rest. Fresh air and traffic had never been so exciting.

This time, I am on "modified bed rest", meaning I can sit on the couch or in bed, but I need to spend 3/4 of my time sitting or laying down. I can do light cleaning, small loads of laundry, prepare "easy" dinners, etc.  If contractions start up, I have to lay down.  When my husband is home, he hardly lets my foot hit the floor before yelling at me to sit/lay down.  He's pretty awesome.  

Modified bed rest sucks with a busy two and a half year old.  I can't take him to the park, go to the mall to play, hit the Children's Museum, not even a trip to his beloved Target.  I'm pretty bummed about missing out on fun summer type things with him. This has me worried, but we will make it through.  

When I first found out I freaked out and some friends gave me awesome advice about being on bed rest with a 2 and a half year old!

  • "...come to terms with the fact that this is a temporary situation and that you very well may have to do "temporary" things to entertain your son. Things you wouldn't ordinarily want to do or like to do. Like... more screen time, not worrying about toddler messes, etc."

  • "'s a perfect time for your son to start becoming more independent! Not sure what you're used to doing for him at this age as my son was about a year younger than your son when I was on modified bed rest with my daughter, but we had to buy a couple of collapsible step-stools so he could climb up to things on his own (we moved him out of a crib into a bed, car seat, etc...) without me lifting him. He got used to walking on his own and me just holding his hand, etc.."
 Two awesome calming tips! I know some smart people! 

I'm not going to worry so much about the kid in this post (honestly, it's a free for all here) and I'm going focus on the momma on bed rest and taking this time to rest and have her (you?) not go crazy!

  •  Since you're on bed rest now, you need to give directions.  First direction, have your husband totally clean your room, change your sheets, dust, vacuum, light a candle, whatever.  This will let you relax and get into a clean bed without looking around wanting to touch up and clean everything when you're supposed to be resting.  Make sure that your bedside table has everything you could even possibly think of needing! Lotion, nail file, extra batteries for remotes, phone/laptop/iPad chargers, medications/vitamins, paper and pen, etc.
  •  When someone asks what you need, tell them! When they offer to bring you dinner, let them. When they want to do your dishes and you feel embarrassed because they've been in your sink for a while, sit down and let them do it.  They obviously came over to help, so let them.
  •  If your husband pays the bills, take over for him.  This will give you something to do for 3 minutes and will give him more time to clean the house, do laundry, cook dinner, and not say things about how your hair looks these days. 
  •  Do your nails.  Maybe no one will see them aside from your OB, husband, and random visitors, but you will know they look good! You'll spend time painting them and it's something that can make you feel good about yourself.  Also, keep lotion by your bed. You've got ample time to get your feet and skin looking and feeling nice!
  •  Get okay with eating meals that may not be what you're used to eating.  Maybe you're typically a gourmet cook? Well, not anymore.  My husband is amazing with the grill.  Thankfully, it's May, so I can take meat out and marinade it in the morning and it's ready for him to take care of when he gets home. Simple side dishes, fruits, and veggies are also easy and obviously good for you.  When your husband looks tired and beat down, suggest ordering pizza or Thia food. He's got a lot on his plate, not having to cook or clean up after dinner is a nice treat for him.
  •  Read.  Read stuff you typically wouldn't. You've got time to kill, there is a new Dan Brown book out, ya know. Who doesn't love Robert Langdon!?  It has to be better than 50 Shades of Gray.  Plus, if you're on bed rest, you're probably also on pelvic rest, so you might as well not read porn-ish books. There are all sorts of online book clubs that you could also take part in!  Read pregnancy books!  Confession: this pregnancy, I have picked up all of those baby books a total of 3 times. Once was when we got them out. Poor baby #2. 
  •  Trashy TV.  So far today, I have watched Bridezillas, Boy Meets World, Golden Girls, some Bachelor episodes I had on the DVR.  I also threw in some educational crap from the History and Discovery channel.  You don't want to totally rot your brain before starting to take care of a tiny human. 
  •   Thank you notes.  With people coming to bring dinners, help around your house, calling to try to brighten your day,  or tell you they're praying for you and babe, you need to tell people thanks!  And seriously, people don't write thank you notes enough anymore, so just do it.  If you don't have any, you can order super cute ones online, which leads me to...
  • Online shopping! This one can get me in trouble, but Amazon is my favorite, especially with the Prime Shipping! You can get pretty much anything in two days! Two days is quick in a normal paced life, but it can feel like a long time for a person on bed rest.  Just think, two more episodes of Price is Right and your stuff will be to you! is also addicting and awesome. If you haven't, check it out!
There are many more things I could add to the list, but honestly, I'm getting a little bored, so I am sure you are too-and you can get up and leave!  

Pretty much,  have a good attitude, let people help you, tell them thanks, and try to keep yourself busy. Understand that your husband may be overwhelmed and give him the benefit of the doubt.  Make sure to tell him how much you love him and appreciate what he is doing to help you and baby.  Be thankful that for now you and your baby are healthy, pray that you can stay on bed rest for weeks to come, it's a blessing! 

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