Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Rock A Soak

When I first started using cloth diapers (a whopping 2ish months ago), that majority of the diapers that I had were from a very dear friend and were used.  This is a normal thing in the CD world.  Diapers can be washed and sanitized easily.

The friend who I had gotten the cloth diapers from told me that she had not stripped the diapers in a while, so I decided that is where I would start.

I got some Rockin' Green from Amazon and read the directions on the back to "Rock A Soak".  Rocking A Soak helps get rid of any mineral build up, detergent that has not been fully rinsed out of the diapers, and gets any stink out of the diapers.  Stink is usually caused by left over detergent, mineral build up, or ammonia from diapers sitting too long in the wet bag before getting washed.

The Directions on the Rockin' Green to Rock A Soak are:
1. Fill your washer with water and 3 tablespoons of Rockin' Green along with clothing/diapers.
2. Let soak for approximately 30-60 minutes, then launder as usual, skipping the soap. Follow up with several rinse cycles.

I had so many diapers that I wanted to Rock A Soak, I didn't used my washer. I used two huge tubs.  I filled both with super hot water, 3tablespoons of Rockin' Green, and I let them sit for an hour.  I then laundered the diapers on a normal hot cycle and did a few rinses.  They came out sparkly and clean.  (note, there was no stink or anything causing me to rock a soak, I just wanted to clean them really well. 

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