Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"but what do you DO all day?"

I'm 33 weeks pregnant and have been having some pretty terrific preterm labor issues.  I have contractions pretty much constantly.  Sometimes they come only 2-3 times an hour, other times they kick up to every 2-3 minutes.  Some are painful, some are not. It sucks.  I spent three nights last week in the hospital and made another quick visit yesterday because of quick coming contractions. There's no way to tell if the contractions are being 'producticve' unless you go in and see the {awesome} nurses in the labor and delivery department.  I mean, I guess my husband could try to do some cervical checks, but no thanks.

Because of the preterm labor, I'm on bed rest.  Complete bed rest.  Like, I can't get up to do much of anything aside from pee and go to doctors appointments/labor and delivery. 

Before bed rest was implemented, I was a full-time stay at home mom.  I won't lie, I was a seriously freaking fun mom.  My doctor very frankly told me that there is no way to keep baby H safe and take care of B at the same time. ::cue heart break sounding music:: he is now in daycare from the time my husband drops him off on the way to work until he picks him up on the way home.  Seriously, sad mommy about that, but I know it's best for both of my kids.

Anyways, so to answer the question that i keep getting, "What do you do all day?" this is what I do:

5am - take meds
6am - take meds, make sure hubs gets up and into the shower, start waking B up, have hubs bring me his clothes into our room and get him dressed/ready for "school".  Snuggle.
7 am-  "get up" make the bed, spray some linen spray, open blinds, wash my face, brush my teeth
8am - take meds, find food and take it back to bed, drink a ton of water, take a nap
10am - wake up, play on facebook, return emails, watch TV, hubs usually calls within the hour to check up on me
11am- take meds
Noon- eat something, make myself chug water, nap.
2pm- take meds, write thank-you notes, start crappy movie,write thank you notes to all the people who have brought us meals or took our son for a bit of time so hubs could get a few things done.
5pm-take meds, hubs and kid get home, dinner
8pm-take meds, take a shower, watch a movie/TV with hubs after the kid goes to sleep
11pm-take meds, go to sleep.  Then I wake up about 4 times to pee and it's time to start the day again.

Yes, I take meds 9 times a day.  Soon I will only have to take meds 6 times a day. Super exciting!

Bed rest isn't fun, but I know it's worth it. Hopefully I have a few more weeks of it!   Luckily, right now I have a project in planning/getting stuff ready for my little sister's baby shower! I love that I have something to think about and I'm really praying that I get to go.  Mid-August, this kid will be 37 weeks, I should be able to get out of bed to go to the shower! Keeping my legs closed until then.


  1. Just stumbled upon your blog! Hope your surviving bed rest! good luck to you!
