I'm a Stay-at-home-mom. My job is to keep my kid alive, fed and if we're both lucky, happy. Sometimes, this job that seems so simple gives me a run for my money. There are days that go by and I'm not sure how it got to be 5pm or why either one of us is crying. It just happens.
But most days I don't cry.
On normal days, 5pm hits and I take off like a mad woman making the house look presentable and getting dinner going so that when my husband gets home, it looks like we've had a productive day. I don't know why I do this. He doesn't care if we've been productive. I have one of the most helpful husbands ever. He's glad to look at a few of the hundreds of pictures I've taken of our son that day and sit in a mess. Please note that our mess is not dirty, it's just toys and dog hair.
But, he does go to work every day so that I can stay home and raise our son while he is gone, so I feel like at least dinner has to be made every night when he gets home.
Today I used a crock-pot and took a much shorter nap than normal (Yes. I nap every day). So, I can play on the interwebz until he calls and says he's 2 minutes away.
Also, that paper that I talked about earlier today? Still not done. I need to do my best work, which means I need to wait until the very.last.minute.
Thank you for making me feel better about my napping and messy house! I often feel like every other mom has it all together and I'm left feeling like I'm failing. Not saying you're failing at all...just saying maybe I need to not be so hard on myself! Thanks for sharing your day!
Allison! You're pregnant and have an awesome kid! Those two things alone are reasons to nap! I'd feel bad about my naps if my house was dirty (not messy, dirty!) or my kid/husband were feeling negative effects because of it. But neither of them would even know I napped if I didn't confess! haha Don't be hard on yourself, you deserve and if you're like me, NEED naps!!